After making a double batch of these last week for Andrew's class party and the church egg hunt, I decided I needed a batch for keeps. This was a new recipe and it's got a little lemon in it, which made the cookies oh-so-good. So, yesterday while Isaac napped, my assistant (who is on Spring Break this week) and I whipped some up. This time we dipped them in colored glaze AND chocolate glaze and this time I decided that this is indeed a recipe worth sharing.
Lemon Cutouts
1 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
1/2 t lemon peel
2 t baking powder
3 1/2 c flour
Cream together the butter and sugar. Mix in eggs and vanilla. Add lemon and powder and mix well. Add flour a cup at a time. The dough will be dry and crumbly. Pour it out on the counter and knead it together. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour. Roll it out, cut out cookies, put on cookie sheets. Bake for 10 minutes at 350.
Colored Glazed
confectioner's sugar
food coloring
start with about a cup of confectioner's sugar. Add a few tablespoons of water and mix, adding more water or sugar until you get a glaze consistency you like. Add the food coloring and dip the cookies!
Chocolate Glaze recipe found here.
Nice! I promised Margaret some cookie baking next week (we celebrate Easter all week, you know ;) ). What did you use to cut out the egg shapes? It's okay if you make me look dumb and say, uh, egg shapes are really easy, just use a knife ;)
no, no. I have several egg shaped cookie cutters of various sizes. I have circle cookie cutters too. No shape is too simple to have a cookie cutter for. ;)
They look great! That recipe sounds good
The girls and I are contemplating making these right now! ;)
lovely boy :D
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