It all began about 8:15 Wednesday night. Dave and I were chatting and I had an intense contraction, out of nowhere. Then another and then another.
It turns out, I was in labor.
I called my mom to tell her that things might be starting, but I was not sure. She decided to go ahead and start her 6 hour car ride then, instead of in the morning, as we had planned. A few contractions later and we called Loba to come on over, just in case this was the real deal, to be with Andrew (and, well, to be with me...).
A few more contractions and we called the doctor. They were 3 minutes apart, lasting about a minute each time and they been consistent since they started 45 minutes before. We talked about how long to wait before coming into the hospital and she said she would see me a little later.
I labored on.
Loba arrived. Contractions got stronger. At about 10:30 I decided I wanted to go ahead and get to the hospital. I wanted the travel part to be over with and the contractions were getting pretty intense. Dave called the doctor, filled her in and then called a cab. I kissed my sleeping Andrew good night.
The cab came. It was a yellow pick up truck. The driver offered to get another car, but I was already climbing in. I kneeled on the floor of the passenger side with my back to the windshield and leaned on the seat. The driver drove fast, with the windows down through the rain. It was intense. It was exhilarating. It was by far the best part of my labor. Dave was scared at his driving and was glad that I was not facing the road. I was loving the cool breeze, the driving noise and the motion. I highly recommend wild New York cabbies to drive laboring women to the hospital. It was incredible. And he got us to the hospital that is 45 minutes away in 8 minutes.
When we got in, the OB on the floor examined me and told me that I was 9 centimeters dilated. That as soon as my water broke I would be ready to push the baby out. I was amazed. It took me about 18 hours of labor to get to this point with Andrew, and here it was a mere 3 hours into things.
3 contractions later and my water broke. They yelled for my doctor, who calmly came in, checked things out and spent the next 40 minutes telling me that I could indeed push out the baby despite my attempts at convincing her I couldn't.
Then, the unthinkable happened. I pushed out a baby. This part I keep turning over in my head. I pushed out a baby. With Andrew the labor was so long and stressful that I by the time I was pushing I had forgotten that I was in labor and what the end goal was. This time I was so aware. I was pushing out a baby. I pushed his head, and then his body. And then out he came. When she flopped him on my stomach I was expecting him.
And then the next surprise. This baby was not Andrew. He did not look like Andrew. He didn't act like Andrew. And he was a pip-squeak. A mere 9 pounds compared to Andrew's 9, 11oz. This is a different person entirely. When I first fed him it felt weird. Who is this? This is not Andrew. I am feeding someone else.
After a little discussion Dave and I decided to name this non-Andrew, Isaac. I love his name. I love it. It is serious and spunky. It means laughter. It's edgy but classic. I picture Isaac in overalls chasing frogs through the mud as a little boy. The class president in high school. The nice guy people like talking to. Isaac. Easy going. Puts you at ease.
A little more discussion and we agree on Charles as a middle name. It is my paternal grandfather's name. My father and brother's middle names. And Isaac Charles sounds pretty nice.
My mom arrived around 2:45. She had missed Isaac's entry by 2 and half hours, but I was so glad to have her as soon as I could. I didn't cry until she came. And then I cried. She stayed the night with me while Dave went home to sleep and has been caring for me and for our family since her late night arrival.
We got home yesterday afternoon and are taking things easy. Loving and caring for Andrew. Loving and caring for Isaac. Hunkering down. Feeding, eating, sleeping, chatting. Admiring Andrew. Admiring Isaac. Pretty good family time.
Isaac and Grandmama.
Little purple monster feet.
Welcome to the outside world, little Isaac! He's beautiful...
He is the cutest thing!! and big brother is also extremely cute! Regarding the picture of his grandmama, please take into account that she had been up since 5:00AM the day before and driven through the night into NYC--a thought that scares her to death! The happy family is doing great!
And isn't she beautiful? My mom's a hottie.
I love the story and the pictures! So amazing. I love that every person in this world comes with their own labor story--Isaac's is pretty great. Was the taxi driver freaked out that he was transporting a laboring woman?
It must have been so strange to deliver so quickly compared to the first time around--I'm counting on that being true whenever we have #2!
He looks just amazing, as do the lovely ladies pictured as well, and very at home in his new digs.
Robyn, you look like an angel! All glow-ey and hail-Mary-ish. What a lovely first sight for a baby.
And your mom looks beautiful, too! I thought, "Robyn's mom looks so pretty!" and then I read her comment and laughed. Who knew all-night drives into the city make such good beauty regimes.
And Baby Isaac takes the cake. What a cutie. A nine pound pipsqueak.
congratulations! I love the pictures of the toes! Happy to see everyone is doing good. Please keep well.
Appropriate that she's wearing blue, right Firefly?
So funny that you mention how non-Andrew he is. Those were my exact impressions the second time around. Six weeks later I'm still not over the difference and sometimes feel a deja vu when caring for #2.
The taxi ride was the worst part of my first labor! Funny how people's laboring needs can be so different. Glad you had fun along the way!
Enjoy this precious time, family. You are being held in the hands of God and your loving friends and family.
Oh, and can't wait to hear what Andrew's reaction was/is...
The second picture of Isaac yawning reminds me of the picture of Andrew as a newborn crying. Sweet round head big round mouth. You do look beautiful. Great story. Can't wait to meet him and play with big brother!
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