Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The other day Andrew and I were taking a walk after it had rained. We came to a spot in the sidewalk that was wet with puddles. I made a mental note of them and planned a route that would get us through to the other side of the wet area with dry feet. As I led Andrew through the puddled course showing him where to walk, he purposely stepped into the largest puddle giving the surface of the water a satisfying slap with his little foot.

I realized that my goal was getting home with dry feet.
His goal was much different.
Shoes do dry after all.

I've been caught sleeping with this guy in the mornings. It's enough to make a husband jealous. Agreed?


Anonymous said...

What are you feeding this little chunk? Look at those cheeks. OH, I would never have let you step in a puddle=)

Mama V said...

Our boys are one in the same in their thinking here...

Great new look, by the way! Love it!

Loralee said...

I find myself doing the same thing, thinking that we need to stay clean. And why, really? Funny how we have to chance our mindset with these little guys!

Marti said...

He's a dramatic little sleeper...