I think it must be Spring. I mean, I don't see any other reason for it. But I am in the middle of a growth spurt.
1. I am taking an online photography class, which I am a little embarrassed to admit, but I am. And I love it. And I am learning a lot.
2. I am signed up for a cookie decorating class tomorrow night at my neighborhood cake decorating supply store. Hopefully I'll get some good tips for my next batch.
3. I am reading Home Comforts and learning not only about good systems for a well managed home, but the meaning behind it all. The woman that wrote the book is a part time lawyer, part time philosophy professor, so this read does not qualify as fluff. I am really enjoying the book. Right up my ally.
4. I am also working through a new cookbook called Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone. By "working through it" I mean that I am trying to learn Deborah Madison's style of cooking. I feel like I've learned the style of other cookbook authors that I've devoted years of dinners to (Anna Thomas, the Moosewood cookbooks), and I wanted some fresh material. So I am dabbling here and there with her ideas. Grated orange in carrot soup? Amazing! Extensive use of shallots and parsley? Why have I not been doing this? The cookbook is massive, and I attempted to read it through first, but I got restless and wanted to try out some things. Now I worry about how much I'll miss if I don't really sit and read it. Working through her cookbook feels like I am taking a class in Vegetarian Cooking.
5. Projects, projects, projects. Without getting too specific I have a lot planned both birthday party related and not-at-all related to birthday parties. So exciting.
The thing about growth spurts, the thing about the sense of heightened awareness in so many areas at once, is that my Inner Critic is having a heyday. Suddenly I want everything to be so much better: My photos, my cookies, my laundry, my dinners. Which means, my Inner Critic is quick to point out that wanting them to be so much better, means that they are not good enough. That some things are not quite right. And so I'm finding it tricky territory to challenge myself without feeling overwhelmed and overly frustrated. But, I'm also finding it tricky territory well worth navigating.
I've been trying to call you for days . . .maybe today will be the day. But in the meantime, I love Home Comforts! Did I recommend it to you? I'm surprised if I didn't. She has also written a series of novels and I read the first one (Morningside Heights) and it was a really fun read. I keep meaning to recommend that to you, too.
Robyn, how do you do it all and have two children to boot? I sometimes don't get to brush my teeth!!!
Even if I love having my baby girl, i can't wait for her to be a bit older so I can get back to doing things other than nursing! You are good to have energy for all that... great page too!
Danielle, don't you worry. Dental hygiene is not one of my strengths either. Don't tell anyone though.
I love that cookbook! Although, can I say that if I haven't actually read it myself?! Our CSA in Chicago used to borrow recipes for the newsletter from VCFE pretty much weekly, which meant that I ended up cutting them up and stashing them in our little recipe box because they quickly became favorites. Your resident vegetarian is going to be a very happy man!
The veggie-related cookbook I'm interested in lately is called The Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without (I think by one of the Moosewood cooks...). Have you used it? Do you have it? (Can I borrow it?!) ;)
I love the '2 Babies' story by Andrew. Very sweet.
Why are you embarrassed to admit you're taking an online photography class? It sounds perfect for you!
embarrassed because I'm worried that either folks will scrutinize my photos more OR will think 'YOU are in a photography class?!? Pah-leaze!' meaning..."don't bother!" Silly, I know...but that's why! I'm telling ya! This Inner Critic can be ruthless!
Robyn, I received my bib and washcloth today and love them!
Since I don't know if I'm getting a boy or girl -- I've mentioned I'm adopting, right? -- the bibs polka dots and space ships are perfect for either!
Robs, you are AMAZING!!! And you be all up in the grill of your pride with this photography class (I'm pretty sure that makes NO sense)!!! I already envy your pictures, woman! I already envy your cooking & baking! WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME ENVY MORE!!!?? ;) I love you. You're awesome. You're inspirational. Go get 'em, Tiger-ess! Tigress! Go get 'em, Tigress!
The contrast between their expressions in the middle picture on the bottom cracks me up! So, so funny!
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