A friend of mine recently shared this quote:
"Ninety percent of success is just showing up." –Woody Allen
And after I got over the shock that my friend posted a quote by Woody Allen (I just never think of her as the Woody Allen type), I've been thinking about it ever since.
First I wondered if it's really true. Is that really true about success? Is showing up really that important? What about talent and training? What about giftedness? What about having the right person discover you and declare you a success?
Then I thought about the quote in the context of my own life. My week is all chopped up into blocks of time that each have assignments. And it helps me get a lot done, just because I have time set aside for it. I plan to show up. And I thought about days when I don't feel like washing the dishes, folding the laundry, getting out the sewing machine...but after I begin doing what I didn't want to do in the first place, it's not that bad after all. Showing up to do the dishes turned out to be the hardest part of doing the dishes. Once I did that, the rest wasn't so bad. Anyway, it's been a nice thing to remind myself when I'm facing something that seems big. Like cleaning my bathtub. ;)
Now, if I could just get discovered...

I made this cake this weekend to celebrate how well Andrew has been doing in school. Mama V pointed out that it seemed like a good time to stop and enjoy his progress. So we did. Though, when asked why we were having cake that night (after explaining it to him several times throughout the day) Andrew said, "we are celebrating how beautiful my teachers are!" Indeed.
that's how I feel about exercise..I almost never want to show up for it, but once I do -- I'm good to go! For me, success in exercise is all about just showing up!
the hardest part of being a runner is getting out the door. i read once it was lacing up your shoes, but i can lace up my shoes and then putz around the kitchen for the whole morning..... getting out the door is the hardest part.... it isn't doing 3 miles or even 8 miles... it is getting out the door. i guess that is the equivalent of showing up.
I'm sure his teachers would love to hear that! That cake looks really good!!!!
That cake! Whoa!
So true... Why is the anticipation often the worst/hardest part?!
That cake looks amazing!!!
I guarantee you my sister will be contacting you for this recipe very soon.
Looks delicious!
My gym has that same quote on the front door. That cake looks delicious!
My sister knows me too well!
No bedtime for Andrew?
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