Friday, April 2, 2010

a little bit of Andrew for your Friday

Andrew has been drawing and writing more than ever before. I love it love it love it. And I decided to post a few of his recent drawings to share. I have found them quite informative and perhaps you will too. ;)

This one means "Mommys Don't Eat Pickles". Which is true, I don't. Everyone else in our home is hopelessly addicted to pickles and I don't like them at all. One day Andrew came home from school and said, "Mommy, girls CAN eat pickles. You should try them!" ;)

This is a house he drew during Quiet Time the other day. It's unusual for him to use so many colors and to draw his lines so thick. If you look closely you can see a little yellow boy standing in the door. I love this drawing. I think it is so lovely.

This one he drew last night. I asked him to stop jumping on me and he said, "wait a minute, let me go draw something." He comes back and says "Look at this!!! This says: Yes Jumping On Mommy! See?!?!?" How can I argue with that?

And this is his normal fare. This is one of his mazes. He LOVES mazes. Draws dozens a day. On this maze you can see "Start" at the top and "end" squished in the middle of the maze. At the bottom he wrote "Mommy you do my maze please." It's sort of hard to read, but it's there. ;)

We are off the Botanical Gardens today hoping no one else in Brooklyn is thinking of taking their kids (all of whom are on Spring Break) on this beautiful day (it's going to be 74) to the gardens (the magnolias are blooming!!!). I have my fingers crossed that this is an original idea. We'll see.


firefly said...

I love that your pickle is five times bigger than your head. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. I had an "original" idea to hit up the local zoo today. Yea, it wasn't packed at all :):)


JIW said...

He is adorable.

Liv said...

I drop in on your blog from time to time, and I always love what I see. Like right now, it's 11pm and I am asleep on my feet (well I'm sitting on the couch, but you get the picture!), yet I find myself reading through your posts from the last couple of weeks. Oh, and I love your 'to do' list - visit Machu Picchu and train for a marathon are on mine too!

Dave said...

Thanks Liv!