We were without wheels this weekend. A friend was borrowing our car and our stroller is busted to the point of no use. Parts are on the way. So, we stayed close to home and when we went out, we walked. Or, I should say Isaac walked, because the rest of us always walk. The unexpected benefit of not having a working stroller is that Isaac napped 3 hours each day. Seems like I should have him walk more often!
Dave got out his projector and we watched the Smurfs on our dining room wall...and on Andrew's belly.

At the playground Isaac discovered a new trick on the monkey bars and the boys repeatedly crashed into each other on the slides, which has become quite standard playground fare. Luckily, they both love it.

Hope yours was a good one!
Dude, you go through strollers! Maybe you should upgrade. I think we've had ours longer than you've had your two put together at this point and we're thinking of replacing it with the next baby but only because someone will probably offer to buy us something along those lines and not because we absolutely need to.
We also had a crazy lazy weekend. At least yesterday. Today we decided to make up for it by walking the entire length of Manhattan. Well, not quite, but it was a few miles and it was hot. I need to go to bed early, I think.
Susan, did you close down your blog?
I've been meaning to ask you that for a while.
Nothing wrong with a lazy weekend ;) and it looks like the boys had a great time :)
How cool to watch the smurfs on a projector!
Can't believe that Isaac didn't try his hardest to get his little fingers onto that Smurf film as it went through the projector! He looks as if he is thinking about it in that photo!
I love your new rug!
My heart did a flip-flop when I saw Isaac hanging but then I saw how close he was to the ground! I love your new rug-it looks cooler and "quieter".
Glad you had a great weekend!
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