Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lazy Day

and loving it.

We skipped church, slept in and ate bagels. It's a cool, cloudy, quiet day. A day that is great for relaxing...and scrapbooking, I guess.

I'm glad for this time. I'm glad Andrew needs a marathon nap after yesterday's antics. Because I need a marathon break. And I'm glad I used the time for this. I've been in a slump lately with All Things Scrapbook. I just haven't been doing stuff that I liked much and I love these two. I love the "o" in work. I love all the layers of paper. I love the box that says "first". I love the mixed fonts on "1st friends". love the colors. Yay.

Here's to relaxing days....


Tara Whalen said...

Yep, yep. Love them. I love the big circle on the first one.

Goes On Runs said...

i like that my kid is one of your kid's first friends.... i like that i like your kid's mom as much as i do!