Transitions of one kind:
The truth is that the New Baby Transition has been really hard on this one. It didn't help that he was sick and spiking fevers for the first few days that Isaac was home. Then a cold settled in. There have been days when I could not recognize my Andrew. Friends warned me that he would seem huge when I got home with Isaac. And it was true. Andrew turned into a sweaty, huge teenager. He even sported a bit of Teen Angst. And everything he said was either with his Ultimate Whiney Voice or through tears. It was heartbreaking, stressful and, at times, annoying.
He has been coping by taking a marathon nap every afternoon, retreating to his room for some quiet play a little each day and showing us the full force of his grumpy side. Glimmers of my Andrew have been peaking through a little more each day. And those glimmers are such a relief. I absolutely love being able to recognize my son.
Transitions of another kind:
I've wondered how the birth of Isaac would affect things here at 3Peas and I've had some thoughts that I wanted to fill you in on. Ultimately, I blog to connect with people. And show off. So, I don't plan on laying things aside just because most aspects of my life have been turned on their heads. It's just too important to me to connect...and show off. So, this normally crafty blog will morph into a crafty-and-here-are-pics-of-my-kids kind of blog. There will be less crafts and more kids for the next couple of weeks. Then, I am planning a bit of a blog-overhaul at some point. After all...3 Peas in Brooklyn doesn't fit us as a title anymore. Who saw that coming? So stay tuned for further details on that.
And Andrew and Dave rode the bus 15 blocks to our local place that cuts kid's hair for Andrew's First Official Hair Cut. Mommy just can't do his hair justice at this point. And he was starting to look more and more like a scarecrow. This picture was taken before Dave had to hold him in his lap with his arms pinned down for the over-the-ears portion. Let me tell you, though: he looks smashing.
And I still recognize him.
Andrew looks soooo cute in the barber's chair.
What beautiful sons you have. Andrew is so cute getting his hair cut. He could be coping in another less restful way. I miss them so much.
thanks for sharing
I'm doing some catching up- I left for vacation at a critical point in your blog! Congratulations on a beautiful baby and what seems to have been a smooth delivery. Are you on your own w/ the kids at this point? You've been through a lot, and the transition is so hard. I remember having all these new feelings about Atticus when Enzo was born that I had never even thought possible. And even though I had my sister right there, saying, "Yes- I know. I felt exactly the same way", they were still confusing. It sounds like you are doing pretty well emotionally (on your blog, anyway!), but I remember at one point being very hormonal and just wanting to be in a dark room with Enzo and no on else, and I dreamed of going to a hotel room by myself for a week, to get away from Atticus. These feelings were so confusing to me, because Atticus had always been the center of my world!
Then the next minute, I would look at Atticus and catch a glimpse of what he must be going through, and wish I could just make him feel better and somehow make the transition lighter on him.
I'm sure people have already said it to you, but before you know it, Andrew will be making Isaac laugh and Andrew will have this whole new audience that I'm guessing he will enjoy.
Hang in there, Mama. You are amazing to have done all that you did up to this point.
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