Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fourth Sunday of Advent

What the Donkey Saw

by: U.A. Fanthorpe

No room at the inn, of course,
And not that much in the stable,
What with the sheperds, Magi, Mary,
Joseph, the heavenly host-
Not to mention the baby
Using our manger as a cot.
You couldn't have squeezed another cherub in
For love nor money.

Still, in spite of the overcrowding,
I did my best to make them feel wanted.
I could see the baby and I
Would be going places together.

1 comment:

Marti said...

I love that picture. The lines that the bicycles are leaving in the snow behind them. And the lines of the rain/snow arrowing down to the ground. Feels very dynamic. Going, going, going.