Thursday, January 14, 2010

getting the itch

Last night I realized that my blog this week will only feature baking and scrapbook pages. And that made me want to start a project. A big one. Well, a medium one. I'm not really ready for anything too big.

I saw it as a good sign. I've been feeling so one-day-at-a-time and I-see-the-mess-over-there-and-I'll-get-to-it-eventually. So, feeling the itch for a cool project can only mean that I really am getting better and getting stronger and adjusting to the big changes around here.

I wondered when this day would come...

In addition to the one gift that Dave gave me for Christmas (which I've only used a little bit!), he also gave me a stocking filled with sprinkles and exotic extracts (coffee extract! banana extract!) and these mini loaf pans. I love these little guys! Way cuter in person. You'll just have to come over and see for yourself. For their debut I made a recipe of Orange Yogurt Muffins that became 2 mini loaves and 6 mini muffins. It's all about mini I tell you.


sharyncarlson said...

Very cute little loaves, and they sound and look delicious!

debs14 said...

Such sweet little loaves, you could almost eat one all by yourself! Love yesterdays post about Isaac. That cheeky grin is going to help him out of lots of trouble in the future. How could you get cross with an angelic face like that?!

Rhona said...

Wish I lived close enough to come over and see them ;o) but I like the look of them from where I am anyway (in the UK). Glad to hear you're starting to feel more back to normal, it takes a while but you do get there. Keep going :o)